Church History

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Green Hill Presbyterian Church, founded in 1849, has a rich history.  Over one hundred fifty years ago, a group of devout Christians resolved to erect a house of worship in which they might congregate to glorify God. Generously, they gave of their time and money to see that this resolution was fulfilled.


The rudimentary beginnings of this house of worship began in the form of the "Brandywine Manufacturer's Sunday School," established initially by Robert Raikes. In the early part of the 19th century, the growth of factory production and the powder mills brought more and more families to the Brandywine area. Immigrants, predominantly from Ireland and Scotland began to fill the Sunday School for both worship services and as a place to learn to read and write. The worship in the Sunday School began somewhat as what we would, today, call "non-denominational," since it had a healthy population of Methodists, Catholics, Episcopalians, as well as Presbyterians. The ongoing success of the overall enterprise was much, in part, to the dedication and management of Victorine duPont. Over the years, each denomination slowly began to gather its own flock and establish their own individual houses of worship.


In 1847, a lot was procured by a church appointed committee, on what had been the Green Hill Farm, to be chartered as a cemetery. The property was incorporated under the Trustees of Green Hill Presbyterian Church. On November 15, 1848, on the northern end of the property, was laid the corner stone of the church edifice. On June 5, 1849, by a committee of the New Castle Presbytery, our church was organized with twenty-eight members. Elders and Deacons were ordained and installed by the Rev. S. M. Gayley on September 9, 1849.


It should also be noted that other prominent congregations stemming from Mr. Raikes original "Sabbath School" include Christ Episcopal, Mt. Salem Methodist, and St. Joseph on the Brandywine Roman Catholic churches.


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