Music at Green Hill


EasterSunday2017 005_DSC1962Our Music Director, Bruce Fine, accompanies our service on our historic restored Hook and Hastings pipe organ as well as a beautiful Schimmel grand piano.  The accoustics in our church are superb and really do these exceptional instruments justice.  


Our Chancel Choir sings for the September through May season performing lovely anthems and cantatas as part of our worship service.  At Thanksgiving, we join Lower Brandywine Presbyterian, St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church and Christ Church for an ecumenical service the Tuesday before Thanksgiving - a very impressive massed choir.  


BellChoirRehearsing 001Ver1sm_DSC6018


We have recently purchased a three octave set of handbells and are having a wonderful time preparing bell music to share with the congregation.  Our handbell choirs are led by our Music Director, Bruce Fine. The handbells will be used in many of our services.


Outside musicians are invited to come and enhance our service on an average of once a month.  The Capitol Brass (a Brass quintet), U of D VISION Acapella group and the Sunday Breakfast Mission Men's Choir are a few of the many musicians that bless us with their music throughout the year.  


See an outline of planned Special Music under our Upcoming Events Heading!

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